El Camino Chevy Pick Up Restoration - Work In Progress
Tom’s El Camino initially came to Kustom Revival for a place to stay for a while.. But inevitably Tom and Ant got ideas about what they could do to it together… So when Kustom Revival moved into the new workshop the time and space was right for work on this beautiful old Chevy to begin.
Thus far, the El Camino has had the front end deconstructed so that the engine could be drained and removed. We then separated the body from the chassis. After that we hoisted the body up and pulled the chassis out from underneath. Dave then proceeded to strip the chassis down, removing the front and rear suspension, and all existing brake lines etc.
The next phase was to tackle the rust on the chassis by grinding it back to bare metal so that we could see what welding / repairs were necessary. Which we then carried out. After that we started to think about fitting a new engine and gear box… This proved far from straight forward as every customized changed we made meant that the next piece in the El Capuzzle also needed adjusting / modifying or switching out for something slightly different..
It’s an ongoing project so watch this space for developments!
What Tom has to say...